
Location : Faculty of Law, University of Vienna, Lecture Room 15 (Basement)

Here is the programme in pdf : ESIL IGPS Shares Vienna Symposium Programme


14:00 – 14:30  Arrival

14:30 – 14:45  Introductory Remarks: The Changing Nature of Peacekeeping: Challenges for Primary and Secondary Rules Theodore Christakis (CESICE, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France) & André Nollkaemper (University of Amsterdam)

Session I:  Rethinking the Legal Regime of Peacekeeping Operations

Chair: Theodore Christakis (CESICE, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France)

14:45 – 15:00  The Multilateralisation of Armed Conflict and its Legal Consequences Greg Fox (Wayne State University) and Kristen Boon (Seton Hall University)

15:00 – 15:15  The Power to Prevent: Attribution, Due Diligence or Complicity? Nicholas Tsagourias (University of Sheffield)

15:15 – 15:30  The War Crime of Attacking Peacekeeping Personnel and Objects in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Overlap of Legal Regimes Applicable to the Conduct of Peacekeeping Operations Barbara Sonczyk (University of Westminster, London)

15:30 – 15:45  Command Responsibility in Peacekeeping Missions: A Comparison Between Humanitarian and Criminal Law Approaches Lenneke Sprik (University of Glasgow)

15:45 – 16:15  Discussion

Session II:  Allocating Responsibility

Chair: Ilias Plakokefalos (SHARES Project, University of Amsterdam)

16:15 – 16:30  Uniting Nations: Accommodating Shared Responsibility under the ILC’s Articles on Responsibility of International Organisations Odette Murray (University of Cambridge)

16:30 – 16:45  Factual and Normative Approaches in Article 7 DARIO: An Inquiry into the ‘Effective Control’ Test in the Context of Peace-Keeping Operations Andrea Spagnolo (Université de la Vallée d’Aoste, Italy)

16:45 – 17:00  Allocating Responsibility to Actors Providing Logistical Support Without Directly Engaging in Combat Operations Bérénice Boutin (University of Amsterdam)

17:00 – 17:30  Discussion

17:30 – 18:30  ESIL Interest Group on Peace and Security Administrative Meeting

19:00 – 21:00         Informal Drinks and Dinner

The European Society of International Law Interest Group on Peace and Security (ESIL IGPS) and the Research Project on Shared Responsibility in International Law (SHARES Project) organize a joint symposium to be held in conjunction with the 10th ESIL Anniversary Conference in Vienna, Austria, on 3 September 2014.

The symposium, entitled “The Changing Nature of Peacekeeping: Challenges for Jus ad Bellum, Jus in Bello and Human Rights”, is organized against the background of an ongoing evolution in UN peacekeeping operations especially in relation with the increasing number of missions for the protection of civilians, the robust use of force mandate given by the UN Security Council to some peacekeeping missions and the recent creation of “offensive” combat forces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Intervention Brigade) and Mali (MINUSMA). The more expansive mandates of peacekeeping forces raise critical questions pertaining to the law applicable to such forces, and the allocation of responsibility in situations where members of peacekeeping forces act in contravention of their international obligations.

The symposium will discuss whether there indeed is a major shift in UN peacekeeping practice and will explore important questions of international law raised by these new practices.

In particular, it will examine the applicability of jus ad bellum, jus in bello and human rights that impact on the UN, troop contributing states, the host state, and non-state armed actors. It also will explore whether the rules of international responsibility are sufficiently developed to assign responsibility to the Security Council and/or member states for actions taken where peacekeepers are engaged in the robust use of force or armed conflict. In this context it will also seek to address issues of shared responsibility that may arise from the interplay among these actors and to consider how the new practices may pose new challenges in determining and apportioning responsibility among states, international organizations and non-state actors.

Please submit a 500 words abstract proposal via email to Prof. Theodore Christakis (Christakis@wanadoo.fr) and Dr. Ilias Plakokefalos (I.Plakokefalos@uva.nl) by 4 May. The proposal should also include the author’s name and affiliation, the author’s brief CV, the author’s contact details and should indicate whether the author is an ESIL member. Please note that submission of abstracts is open to ESIL members and non ESIL members, but the organizers will seek a balanced representation of ESIL members on the programme of the event. Please submit all these elements in a single pdf document. Successful applicants will be informed by 15 May.

Please note that unfortunately, the ESIL IGPS and SHARES Project are not in a position to cover expenses for travelling and accommodation, or to waive the ESIL conference fee. Information on the 10th ESIL Anniversary Conference is available here.

Please also note that the intention of the ESIL IGPS and SHARES Project is to publish the best papers in a book, special issue of a law journal and/or the ESIL IGPS/SHARES Project webpages. Participants are required to send an extended outline of their paper by 25 August.

In order to download the complete call for papers in pdf please click here.

Final Programme:

Chairman: Theodore Christakis (University of Grenoble)

Annyssa Bellal (Irish Center for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway): “Armed protest and international law”

Kenneth Chan & Jed Odermatt (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), “The ‘strategic’ recognition and de-recognition of old and new governments in the use of force: A legal analysis of issues of legality and inherent risks”

Vaïos Koutroulis (ULB) : “Quand est-ce qu’un conflit armé non international commence ? Enseignements à la lumière des révoltes de 2010-2012 en Tunisie, en Egypte, en Libye et en Syrie”

Shannonbrooke Murphy (Middlesex University): “Codifying the Right to Resist in International Law”

Charlotte Steinorth (CEU), “Resolution 1973 and the Security Council’s Instrumental Turn to Democracy”

Owen Taylor (School of Oriental and African Studies), ‘Between Reform, Revolution and a hard place: The political economy of the New International Economic Order’

Fernando R. Tesón (Florida State University): “Humanitarian Intervention as Assistance to Justified Revolutions”

ESIL IGPS Workshop in Valencia, 13 September 2012 – Call for Papers
“Has International Law Something to Say About Revolution?”

The ESIL Interest Group on Peace and Security (IGPS) has the pleasure to announce that its third Workshop will take place in Valencia, Spain, just before the opening of the 5th ESIL Biennial Conference, on the topic: “Has International Law Something to Say About Revolution?”.

The recent revolts in the Arab world and the international reactions that followed them demonstrated, according to some commentators, the limits of International Law in dealing with revolutions. This workshop will try to test and challenge this idea. Potential topics include: Is there a right to democracy in International Law? Legitimacy, recognition and de-recognition of governments and the principle of effectiveness; The continuing relevance of the principles of non intervention/non-interference in domestic affairs; The threshold of applicability of jus in bello; The International Human Rights implications posed both by the revolutions themselves and by outside responses; The role of the UN Security Council and the problem of interpretation of its resolutions…

The Workshop panel will consist of four or five participants and a chairperson. The Languages used will be English and French.

The IGPS invites the submission of abstracts from ESIL members or other scholars or practitioners interested in participating in this special workshop.Priority will be given to IGPS members. Papers presented at the workshop will be selected through a competitive process involving the submission of abstracts. The selection process will be based exclusively on the scholarly merits of the submitted proposals. Each submission should include the following:

A) An abstract of no more than 600 words in English or French specifying the intended language for the paper; and
B) A short CV in English or French including the author’s name, institutional affiliation, contact information and e-mail address.

All applications should be submitted to the IGPS chairman Prof. Theodore Christakis (christakis@wanadoo.fr). The deadline for submission of proposals is Thursday, 1 March 2012. The outcome of the selection process will be notified to all applicants by Monday, 19 March 2012. The selection Committee will be composed only by members who do not intend to present an application. Its composition will be notified to all applicants with the results.

Registration to the main ESIL Conference
Interest Group attendees are under no obligation to attend the main ESIL 2012 conference. We invite nonetheless IGPS members who wish to attend the conference to register following the instructions on the conference website. Please note that there should be no waiver from registration fees for ESIL IG panelists. The ESIL Secretariat also asked us to remind all IG members to renew their membership of the society for the year 2012.

A la fin du mois de mai dernier, l’administration Obama a publié un document intitulé “National Security Strategy. A la page 22, on y retrouve un intéressant encadré intitulé “Use of force”.

Sans surprise, les principes qui y sont énoncés sont nettement moins radicaux en comparaison avec la “Doctrine Bush Septembre 2002″. Cependant, les Etats-Unis se réservent le droit d’agir, “si nécessaire”, unilatéralement, tout en affirmant adhérer aux normes juridiques régissant l’usage de la force.

Consultez l’extrait ainsi que les documents complets dans la rubrique Forum.  Des commentaires éventuels sont les bienvenus.

Dans la nuit du 30 au 31 mai 2010, un commando de l’armée israélienne a pris par la force le contrôle d’une flotille internationale qui voguait à destination de Gaza dans le but officiel de contourner le blocus en y acheminant de l’aide humanitaire et civile. L’opération a fait une dizaine de morts, ainsi que de nombreux blessés. Le 1er juin, le Conseil de sécurité a condamné l’opération militaire et appelé à une enquête impartiale (SC/9940  et S/PRST/2010/9). Cet épisode pose plusieurs questions juridiques intéressantes. Pour lancer le débat, on trouvera ci-après l’argumentation juridique officielle de l’Etat d’Israël, ainsi que divers points de vue parus sur le net. Pour lire ces points de vue visitez la page  forum de ce site. Toutes les réactions et commentaires sont les bienvenues dans ce forum, pourvu que l’on reste dans le cadre d’une analyse de droit international.

Le 17 mai 2010, dans l’arrêt rendu dans l’affaire Kononov c. Lettonie, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme a considéré que la condamnation par les tribunaux lettons en 2004 d’un partisan rouge pour des crimes de guerre commis en 1944 ne constituait pas une violation du principe de la légalité des délits et des peines (art. 7 de la Conv. EDH). La Cour a trouvé dans le droit international de 1944 une base juridique suffisamment claire pour les crimes de guerre pour lesquels le requérant avait été condamné. A cette fin, elle a été amenée à analyser, notamment, une série des règles du droit international humanitaire. Suivent quelques remarques sur l’analyse entreprise par la Cour, qui semble avoir utilisé des lunettes de 2010 pour lire le DIH de 1944.

 Pour lire l’article et faire un commentaire cliquer ici 

The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Kosovo: Has International Law Something to Say About Secession?


The Interest Group on Peace and Security (IGPS) will be holding a workshop on The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Kosovo on Thursday 2nd September 2010, in Cambridge, just before the opening of the 4th Biennial Conference of the European Society of International Law.


On 17 February 2008 the provisional institutions of self-government of Kosovo proceeded to a unilateral declaration of independence. International reaction has been rather mixed. As of 19 May 2010, 69 States have formally recognized Kosovo as a new independent State, whereas the majority of UN Member States has not recognized Kosovo. On the legal ground, a dispute arose about interpretation of classical rules of international law (self-determination, territorial integrity, recognition, non-interference in domestic affairs, definition of a State) and of relevant norms adopted within the framework of the international administration of Kosovo put in place by the Security Council in 1999 (SC Res 1244 (1999)). On 8 October 2008, the General Assembly requested an Advisory Opinion from the Court on the “Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo”. The Court is now deliberating and will deliver its Advisory Opinion in the next few months.


This workshop of the IGPS will provide an opportunity to comment on this important opinion. Participants will be invited to discuss the impact of this Opinion and of this case to International Law and the relevance of contemporary international legal rules in dealing with secession. Participants to this workshop include many academics working in the fields of self-determination/international administration of territories:

Dr. Theodore Christakis, Professor, University of Grenoble
Dr. Olivier Corten, Professor, Free University of Brussels
Dr. Marcelo Kohen, Professor, Graduate Institute of International Studies
Dr. Anne Peters, Professor, University of Basel
Dr. Marc Weller, Reader, University of Cambridge
Dr. Ralph Wilde, Reader, University College London


For further information, to register your interest in the event, or to join the IGPS please visit the IGPS website (https://igps.wordpress.com/) or contact Professor Theodore Christakis (Christakis@wanadoo.fr).

In his response to the contribution by Professor Theodore CHRISTAKIS on “The Colombia Cross-border Raid…”, Professor Rafael PRIETO SANJUAN, of the University Javeriana, Bogotá, argues that, although this incident demonstrated once again the effectiveness of regional dispute settlement mechanisms, it also perhaps revealed an ultra conservative commitment to sovereignty by the OAS which could be damaging to the fight against terrorism.

To read the whole article and comment visit the forum page.

Dans un article posté au site de l’IGPS et qui paraîtra au Journal des tribunaux du 19 avril 2008 (Belgique), Pierre d’Argent, Professeur à l’Université catholique de Louvain, se demande quelle est la part du droit dans le processus qui a suivi la proclamation de l’indépendance du Kosovo le 17 février 2008.

Cet article, qui vient à la suite de ceux déjà publiés sur notre site par J. d’Aspremont, O. Corten et M. Kohen, est consultable sur la page des discussions.